Monday, May 14, 2007

Nature Reflections

This is a picture (mosaic) of my Mother's Day Nature walk. The kids went around grandma & grandpa's house looking for eggs, frogs, stuff. They then took me around to all the fun finds and, so of course, I took pictures! It was so fun. I walked around and took pictures of the plants and trees, and then they showed me where all the egg nests were. There were sparrow eggs, robin eggs, kildeer eggs, red-winged black bird eggs, and one unidentified white egg and the babies! Baby robins. It was so fun! We had beautiful weather and good food, and played bean bag toss. I wish I would have taken a picture of the pineapple upside down cakes I made...they did look nice, and they tasted great! That was my treat to my mothers (mom & mother-in-law) and grandma...they all loved it. The kids also gave me coupons for various things...a foot rub, a head rub...which I will be taking them up on! I'm really thankful for the time we had feels good to be a mom. Plus it was a Sunday, and yet what?...they were learning or demonstrating what they've learned. Identifying eggs. Again...feels good! I must say too, I am pretty proud of my mosaic nature picture...although I would have liked to use a few different pics then what I have, but couldn't figure out how to upload any wouldn't let me. I'll have to tackle it another time right now I am off to hopefully find a yoga matt!
P.S. I'll get the yoga matt tomorrow, and I did figure out how to at least edit my mosaic and put in the new pictures...the one shown is the revised. Much better visually, but could still use some tweaking. I'm satisfied though!

1 comment:

Yacob's child said...

Nice picture! I'm so impressed with your "eye"! Good job, friend!