Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm a Winner!

My first big exciting news is that I WON a fabric bundle from Sheree's Alchemy!! I am soooo excited! She makes the most beautiful garments...check her out! I am waiting for it to arrive before I decide what will be made, but I can't wait! There are just some amazing women out there...how they do it all...I don't know, but they inspire!
Tonight I went to an actual yoga class! I couldn't believe we have someone in our area offering yoga classes. It was great...he was a good instructor and had a very sweet story. What I was most amazed at was his age! First let me say that I don't think you can consider yourself "old" until you're 90...that's just my rule. But when you can look 20 years younger than you actually are...that's impressive. So how old is he? 51. He looks mid to late 30's. Yoga has been good to him. Anyway...it was different being in an actual class. I'm used to being in my own small personal class with friends and Yoga Today instructors, which I love. I think I may attend these classes a couple times a month for pure support...because I love that someone is teaching this here and someday I hope to join in the ranks of instructor.

1 comment:

Yacob's child said...

You didn't tell me !??! How exciting! Where was it? What did you learn? I'm so excited for you! See you later